Academics at WHCS
“Train up a child in the way he should go: even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 ESV
Winter Haven Christian School believes in building better kids to build a better community. Our teachers are encouraged to teach outside of a classroom setting, so that the students will not only learn by listening, reading, and writing, but also through hands-on activities. WHCS is a firm believer in Christian education. We apply Bible lessons in the classroom everyday, and teach God’s truth in every subject area.
The faculty at Winter Haven Christian School is comprised of educators who are passionate about their students and love the opportunity they have to impact their students' lives. Our faculty are all certified through our accreditation agency and have earned a college degree in their appropriate field.
Elementary (PreK-5)
Our Elementary department is run under the leadership of Jeanette Venable and in addition to their academics our students are also offered a wide range of subjects including PE, Recess, art, music, library, and computers.
Middle School (Gr. 6-8)
Our Middle School department is run under the leadership of Jeannette R. Williams and in addition to their academics our students are also offered a wide range of subjects including PE, agriculture, Spanish, art and computers.
High School (Gr. 9-12)
Our high school students experience a variety of classes and teachers featuring a seven period day. Each student is assigned to a homeroom and locker for the year. In addition, students have separate chapels, field trips, activities and leadership opportunities designed to meet the needs of their age group.