Middle School (Grades 6-8)
Grades 6-8
Our Middle School department is run under the leadership of Jeannette R. Williams, and in addition to their academics, our students are also offered a wide range of subjects including PE, agriculture, Spanish, art, and computers.
Our middle school students experience a variety of classes and teachers featuring a seven period day. Each middle school student is assigned to a homeroom and locker for the year. In addition, middle school students have separate chapels, field trips, activities and leadership opportunities designed to meet the needs of their age group.
Middle School Academics & More
In addition to their primary classes of History, English, Science, Bible, and Math, the middle school students at Winter Haven Christian School will experience a nine week exposure in each of these areas:
Physical exercise through individual and team sports
Learn and form techniques to increase overall fitness
Develop and renew physical abilities to practice healthy habits.
Learn art elements and principles
Explore art history
Emphasis on art appreciation, creative thinking skills, visual awareness skills and craftsmanship
Three different levels that will introduce the students to:
Language Skills
Reading and Writing
Basic word processing, creating slideshows, utilizing spreadsheets and interacting through email
Gain understanding of web safety, internet, and how computers work
Practice skills needed to enhance, alter and design photos/graphics.
Build and create 3D objects.
Leadership, scholarship and Christian character are also rewarded for students in grades 7-8 by being eligible for National Junior Honor Society.
Middle School Clubs
Chess Club
National Junior Honor Society
Prayer Club
Student Council